Cordeliers Genotyping & biochemistry (CGB)

CGB offers a genotyping service. CGB is provided for investigators who are unfamiliar with DNA genotyping and who need to establish a genotyping method. This protocol is designed to detect sequences in the genome by polymerase chain reaction amplification (PCR).

CGB offers a service of mycoplasma detection:

In addition, CGB provides access to the following instruments:

  • Jess (Protein Simple, Biotechne): a protein analysis system

Jess (Protein Simple, Biotechne): a protein analysis system

Manufacturer’s description: Jess automates traditional Western blotting while maximizing multiplexing with multiple detection channels.

Application currently used: Western blot

  • QX200 Droplet Digital PCR System (Bio-Rad): a digital PCR system

Manufacturer’s description: The QX200 Droplet Digital PCR (ddPCR) System provides absolute quantification of target DNA or RNA molecules for EvaGreen or probe-based digital PCR applications.

Application currently used: Pathogen detection, Next generation sequencing, Gene expression analysis

  • NAICA System 6-color dPCR:


CGB equipment reservations are done by OpenIRIS system, which can be accessed at the following address :

The use of OpenIRIS requires the creation of a personal account, please contact the CGB staff in charge to create and validate your personal account


CGB is a member of Omique core facilities network.


01 44 27 92 07


Staircase F, 2nd floor

The CGB core facility is certified Iso9001:v2015 and NFX-50-900 and it is available to all CRC members, to members of its associated Universities as well as to public and private external users.

Please, contact the CGB core facility for information and details on how to access it.