Physiologie rénale et tubulopathies

Directeur : 

Gilles Crambert

Directeur adjoint : 

Pascal Houillier

Nous étudions les mécanismes par lesquels le rein régule le transport ionique et les mécanismes des pathologies associés (tubulopathies). Nous réalisons des analyses segmentaires de l’expression de l’ARNm/des protéines, des mesures de flux ioniques, des courants transépithéliaux ou des modifications du Ca2+/pH intracellulaire dans des tubules isolés microdisséqués, une technologie pour laquelle nous disposons d’une expertise unique. Nous étudions également les paramètres métaboliques et physiologiques chez les rongeurs.


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Thèmes scientifiques

Homéostasie du sel et ses troubles

Nous étudions certains aspects de la régulation des transporteurs de Na+ ou de Cl- et leurs effets sur l'homéostasie globale du NaCl à l'état normal ou dans des pathologies (syndromes de Bartter et de Gitelman).

Homéostasie du potassium et ses troubles

Nous étudions certains aspects de la régulation de l'homéostasie du K+ à l'état normal ou dans des pathologies (maladie rénale chronique, COVID19).

Homéostasie des cations divalents et ses troubles

Nous étudions divers aspects de la régulation de l'homéostasie du Ca2+ et du Mg2+ dans des états normaux et pathologiques (maladie de Dent, hypercalciurie, hypercalcémie, néphrocalcinose ou lithiase).

Recherche génétique et translationnelle sur les tubulopathies

Phénotypage des tubulopathies héréditaires - relations phénotype/génotype - essais cliniques et thérapeutiques

Centre d'investigation de la fonction rénale

Notre équipe a développé une plateforme unique pour l'analyse des fonctions tubulaires rénales et des systèmes de transport d'ions chez les rongeurs, qui est utilisée dans la plupart de nos études et est accessible aux chercheurs externes.

Principales publications

The apical 70-pS potassium K channel in the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop is a large-conductance Na+-and Cl–activated, KNa1.1-like, channel. de Combiens E, Frachon N, Cheval L, Lourdel S, Paulais M. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. (2024) link

Editorial: New advances in the renal regulation of K+ homeostasis in health and disease. Crambert G, Al-Qusairi L. Front Physiol. 2023 link

Renal K+ retention in physiological circumstances: focus on adaptation of the distal nephron and cross-talk with Na+ transport systems. Lasaad S, Crambert G. Front Physiol. 2023  link

GDF15 mediates renal cell plasticity in response to potassium depletion in mice. Lasaad S, Walter C, Rafael C, Morla L, Doucet A, Picard N, Blanchard A, Fromes Y, Matot B, Crambert G, Cheval L. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2023  link

pH-dependence of the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter is linked to the transport cycle.  Berger F, Gomez GM, Sanchez CP, Posch B, Planelles G, Sohraby F, Nunes-Alves A, Lanzer M. Nat Commun. 2023. link

Claudin-19 localizes to the thick ascending limb where its expression is required for junctional claudin-16 localization. Dimke H, Griveau C, Ling WE, Brideau G, Cheval L, Muthan P, Müller D, Al-Shebel A, Houillier P, Prot-Bertoye C. Ann N Y Acad Sci.  link

Hypomagnesemia, hypocalcemia and tubulointestitial nephropathy due to anticlaudin-16 antibodies. Figueres L, Bruneau S, Prot-Bertoye C, Brideau G, Néel M, Griveau C, Cheval L, Bignon Y, Dimitrov J, Dejoie T, Ville S, Kandel-Aznar C, Moreau A, Houillier P*, Fakhouri F*. J Am Soc Nephrol. (2022) in press link
New insights into the role of endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation in Bartter Syndrome Type 1. Shaukat I, Bakhos-Douaihy D, Zhu Y, Seaayfan E, Demaretz S, Frachon N, Weber S, Kömhoff M, Vargas-Poussou R, Laghmani K.Hum Mutat. 2021 Aug;42(8):947-968 link

Acidosis-induced activation of distal nephron principal cells triggers Gdf15 secretion and adaptive proliferation of intercalated cells. Cheval L, Viollet B, Klein C, Rafael C, Figueres L, Devevre E, Zadigue G, Azroyan A, Crambert G, Vogt B, Doucet A.Acta Physiol (Oxf). 2021 Jul;232(3):e13661. link

Diversity of functional alterations of the ClC-5 exchanger in the region of the proton glutamate in patients with Dent disease 1. Sakhi I, Bignon Y, Frachon N, Hureaux M, Arévalo B, González W, Vargas-Poussou R, Lourdel S. Hum Mutat.2021 May;42(5):537-550
A variant of ASIC2 mediates sodium retention in nephrotic syndrome. M. Fila, A. Sassi, G. Brideau, L. Cheval, L. Morla, P. Houillier, C. Walter, M. Gennaoui, L. Collignon, M. Keck, G. Planelles, N. Bakouh, M. Peuchmaur, G. Deschenes, I. Anegon, S. Remy, B. Vogt, G. Crambert# And A. Doucet. JCI insight (2021) 6, 148588 link

Defective bicarbonate reabsorption in Kir4.2 potassium channel deficient mice impairs acid-base balance and ammonia excretion. Bignon Y, Pinelli L, Frachon N, Lahuna O, Figueres L, Houillier P, Lourdel S, Teulon J, Paulais M. Kidney Int. 2020 Feb;97(2):304-315 link

High-throughput sequencing contributes to the diagnosis of tubulopathies and familial hypercalcemia hypocalciuria in adults. Hureaux M, Ashton E, Dahan K, Houillier P, Blanchard A, Cormier C, Koumakis E, Iancu D, Belge H, Hilbert P, Rotthier A, Del Favero J, Schaefer F, Kleta R, Bockenhauer D, Jeunemaitre X, Devuyst O, Walsh SB, Vargas-Poussou R. Kidney Int. 2019 Dec;96(6):1408-1416. link

Adrenal adaptation in potassium-depeletd men : role of progesterone ? Blanchard A, Brailly Tabard S, Lamaziere A, Bergerot D, Zhygalina V, Lorthioir A, Jacques A, Hourton D, Azizi M, Crambert G.  Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2019, gfz135 (ahead of print). IF 4.1 link

Increased expression of ATP12A proton pump in cystic fibrosis airways. P. Scudieri, I. Mussante, E. Caci, A. Venturini, P. Morelli, C.Walter, D. Tosi, A. Palleschi, P. Martin-Vassalo, I. Sermet-Gaudelus, G. Planelles, G. Crambert And L. Galietta.  JCI insight (2018), 3, pii 123616. IF 6.0 link

Clinical and Genetic Spectrum of Type 3 Bartter Syndrome. Seys E, Andrini O, Keck M, Mansour-Hendili L, Courand PY, Simian C, Deschenes G, Kwon T, Bertholet A, Bobrie G, Borde JS, Bourdat-Michel G, Brochard K, Cailliez M, Charbit M, Cozette P, Davourie A, Dubourge L, Fila M, Jourde-Chiche N, Lavocat MP, Lemoine S, Lichtenberg L, LLanas B, Louillet F, Merieau E, Mileva M, Mota-Vieiria L, Mousson C, Nobili F, Novo R, Roussey-Kesler G, Vrillon I, Walsh S, Teulon J, Blanchard A, Vargas-Poussou R. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2017 ; 28 :2540-2552 : IF 8.5 link

Polyhydramnios Transient Antenatal Bartter’s Syndrome, and MAGED2 Mutations. Laghmani K, Beck BB, Yang S-S, Seaayfan E, Wenzel A, Reusch B, Vitzthum H, Priem D, Demaretz S, Bergmann K, Duin LK, Gobel H, Mache C, Thiele H, Bartram MP, Dombret C, Altmuller J, Nurnberg P, Benzing T, Levtchenko E, Seyberth HW, Klaus G, Yigit G, Lin S-H, Timmer A, de Koning TJ, Scherjon SA, Schlingmann KP, Bertrand MJM, Rinschen MM, de Backer O, Konrad M, and Komhoff M.  The New England Journal of Medicine 2016; 374: 1853-1863. IF 59.6 link


Toutes les publications

Offre d'emploi


Title: Dent Disease – Evolution and treatments

Job offer: A one year post-doctoral position is available (renewable once), under the supervision of Stéphane Lourdel, in the Gilles Crambert team “Renal physiology and tubulopathies”, at the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France

The host group explores the cellular and the molecular mechanisms involved in Dent disease type 1, a rare inherited disorder of the proximal tubule characterized by low molecular weight proteinuria, hypercalciuria with nephrolithiasis, and progressive renal failure. The disease is caused by inactivating mutations in the CLCN5 gene encoding the 2Cl-/H+ exchanger ClC-5. Until now, there is no specific treatment.
To understand more precisely the cellular and the molecular mechanisms involved in the physiopathology of Dent Disease type 1, we have generated a knock-in (KI) mouse
model stably carrying a ClC-5 mutation that belongs to the most frequent class of mutants observed in patients with Dent disease type 1. Our previous investigations using the KI animals demonstrate that mitochondria may play a crucial role in the pathophysiology of Dent Disease type 1.
We also demonstrated that the transgenic mice displayed progressive renal inflammation and subsequent fibrosis with aging. In addition, we observed that the KI mice did not gain weight and showed significantly less fat mice then control mice. In addition, these animals displayed a progressive attenuation of glucosuria with age. This suggests a possible switch in their general metabolism and handling of metabolites. Moreover, ClC-5 is expressed in other tissues such as the liver where its
function has never been explored previously. As a whole, our project aims at to further investigating the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the evolution of Dent disease type 1, and at identifying relevant therapeutic strategies to slow down the progression of this disease. So far, no correlation between genotype and phenotype has been established for patients with Dent disease type 1 as several parameters were not taken into account. Therefore, the postdoc will also aim at
studying clinical parameters in close collaboration with the hospital.
For the development of this project, the selected applicant will use in vivo and in vitro approaches, and will benefit from the strong expertise of the host laboratory in the analysis of the renal phenotype of transgenic mice, and their exploration at the cellular and the molecular levels. An access to state-of-the-art techniques will be provided in the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers.

Qualifications and experience: Applicants will hold PhD in Physiology and Physiopathology with strong experience in molecular biology, biochemistry and immunohistochemistry. An official approved training for animal experimenting is recommended. Skills in renal pathophysiology would be an asset. The selected candidate should be highly motivated, enthusiastic, independent and team-oriented scientist.

Scientific environment: The laboratory belongs to the “Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers” ( located in Paris. In addition to the scientific environment if this institute, the laboratory has access to extensive research core facilities including an animal facility.

Contact: Applicants are invited to send a CV with a list of publications, a summary of research experience, a letter motivation and contact information of referees to and

Page offre d'emploi
